Saturday, July 27, 2013


     The thunder rolls as sounds of a storm falls over the sky. Will it bring a light rain? Or will it bring a downpour? We don’t know at the first sounds of the storm falls over southeastern Texas.
When storms come over our life, how will we face the obstacles that come into our lives? Will we count it as a huge trial or something God will use in our lives to enhance our relationship with him? Will we use the trials as a stepping-stone or a bolder we can’t possibly move?

     With God all things are possible, we are told. But do we believe those words or are they just something we have heard?
     When trials come, we don’t always think, “God” first. We should and wouldn’t want to admit to anyone we have thoughts of anything else. When trials come, when we hear the big “C” word for cancer, we are devastated. We react negatively. We don’t always know what the Lord has going on for us. “All things work together for good to those who love the Lord,” we hear people say.  We don’t always live like we believe it.

     We know the Lord suffered going to and on the cross. We know God had something better for us through the devastation of the cross. God prepares us for the inevitable—everlasting life. We know we will end up in Jesus’ presence.

     We can keep living through the storms of life. We can depend on His word and live with Jesus on our minds and in our hearts.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who live him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28 NIV)