Friday, February 16, 2018

To all of my followers and those who have kindly looked in on my blog

Dear Ones Who Have kept up with me theses last few months:

Thank you for looking in on my blog.
I apologize for the delay in writing.
The Lord has been dealing with me greatly.

I have found a peace that I have not had for a long time.
I hope to get back to writing on this blog.
I have been growing in the Lord and I hope you have also.
My prayer is for you to be encouraged and built up for the Lord.

Thank you again for being faithful to look for me.
God Bless you and keep you in his loving arms.


P. S. There is a new post below. Please read and enjoy!

Finding The Dignity

February 17, 2018

There is a dignity with coming to know Christ. It is not pride but a fulfillment of the Holy Spirit that resides in us.

“Be dressed and ready for service, keep your lamps burning,” (Luke 12:35 NIV) for the day of the Lord will come sooner than you expect.

“Jesus said, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom.” (Luke 9:62 NIV) We can’t keep looking over our shoulders, wondering, “Where did things go wrong?” Jesus wants us to look ahead and to the possibilities of the greatness of his kingdom.

Will he find me lacking in faith to allow the Holy Spirit to lead me in a loving attitude? Or will I be found moaning and groaning? Will he find me in peacefulness that only he can lead me to; or will I be found in fearfulness of the enemy? I should have faith to believe that I will reap if I faint not and continue studying his Word to show myself a workman that needs not be ashamed.

Life can be challenging in the day to day living for Jesus. Live wholeheartedly for him. We are admonished not to be slothful servants. The Bible tells us to be bold in teaching the principles Jesus taught and they are found in Paul’s teachings as well. The lessons of fruitfulness: “rid yourself of all malice, slander; put on the new self of compassion kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” (Colossians 3:8, & 10 (my paraphrase).

So keep Jesus in your heart and on your mind and you will have a dignity to stand for Christ when the time comes. And my prayer for you today is to look forward not backward. Keep looking for Jesus to return in his glory, so he can say, “Well done thy good and faithful servant.”

By Lanell Stuart