Sunday, March 11, 2012


When we were building our house, my husband asked the carpenter, “Is that enough nails to hold this large cabinet to the ceiling?” The carpenter answered, “This one nail is strong enough to hold this six foot long cabinet.” It has held strong for 38 years. Why do we doubt?

Jesus was a carpenter. He is a savior as well. He took our sins as if they were the nails and placed them in the cross. They are strong enough to hold the sins and not let them take over our lives.

Too many times we want to use too many nails, as if we can pay for our sins. Sometimes we think if we can just “do” enough deeds, quote enough religious sayings, if we can pray hard enough, or quote enough Bible verses, or when we can be “good” enough, the guilt will go away.

When I was younger, the nails, as it were, held a stronghold of my life. As life went on, I began to see it was useless to keep putting the nails in Christ’s hand. He could only be pinned down for a few short hours before He rose again to release the nails.

Jesus took the guilt away as soon as we believed in Him as savior. The price has been paid, no need to place the nail again and again into our savior’s hand.

having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. (Colossians 2:14) (NIV)

1 comment:

James R Tate said...

Great post Lanell. Thanks for the inspiration. I did a post for Easter on my blog you might like.